Monday, February 21, 2011

foreclosure sales

United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS's business practices are unlawful. He explicitly acknowledged that this ruling sets a precedent that has far-reaching implications for half of the mortgages  in this country. MERS is dead. The banks are in big trouble. And all foreclosures should be stopped immediately while the legislative branch comes up with a solution.

For some weeks I have been arguing that MERS is perpetrating foreclosure fraud all across the nation. Its business model makes it impossible to legally foreclose on any mortgaged property registered within its system—which includes half of the outstanding mortgages in the US. MERS was a fraud from day one, whose purpose was to evade property recording fees and to subvert five centuries of property law. Its chickens have come home to roost.

Wall Street wanted to transform America's housing sector into the world's biggest casino and needed to undermine property rights to make it easier to run the scam. The payoffs were bigger for lenders who could induce homeowners to take mortgages they could not possibly afford. The mortgages were packaged into securities sold-on to patsy investors who were defrauded by the “reps and warranties” falsely certifying the securities as backed by top grade loans. In fact the securities were not backed by mortgages, and in any case the mortgages were sure to go bad. Given that homeowners would default, the Wall Street banks that serviced the mortgages needed a foreclosure steamroller to quickly and cheaply throw families out of the homes so that they could be resold to serve as purported collateral for yet more gambling bets. MERS—the industry's creation--stepped up to the plate to facilitate the fraud. The judge has ruled that its practices are illegal. MERS and the banks lose; investors and homeowners win.

Here's MERS's business model in brief. Real estate property  sales and mortgages are supposed to be recorded in local recording offices, with fees paid. With the rise of securitization, each mortgage might be sold a dozen times before it came to rest as the collateral behind a mortgage backed security (MBS), and each of those sales would need to be recorded. MERS was created to bypass public recording; it would be listed in the county records as the “mortgagee of record” and the “nominee” of the holder of mortgage. Members of MERS could then transfer the mortgage from one to another without all the trouble of changing the local records, simply by (voluntarily) recording transactions on MERS's registry.

A mortgage has two parts, the “note” and the “security” (not to be confused with the MBS) or “deed of trust” that is usually just called the “mortgage”. The idea behind MERS was that the “note” would be transferred from seller to purchaser, but the “mortgage” would be held by MERS. In fact, MERS recommended that the “note” be held by the mortgage servicer to facilitate foreclosures, but in practice it seems that the notes were often lost or destroyed (which is why all those Burger King Kids were hired to Robo-sign “lost note affidavits”).

At each transfer, the note and mortgage are supposed to be “assigned” to the new owner; MERS claimed that because it was the “mortgagee of record” and the “nominee” of both parties to every transaction, there was no need to assign the “mortgage” until foreclosure. And it argued that since the old adage is that the “mortgage follows the note” and that both parties intended to assign the notes (even if they did not get around to doing it), then the Bankruptcy Court should rule that the assignments did take place in some sort of “virtual reality” so that there is a clear chain of title that allows the servicers to foreclose.

The Judge rejected every aspect of MERS's argument. The Court rejected the claim that MERS could be both holder of the mortgage as well as nominee of the “true” owner. It also found that “mortgagee of record” is a vague term that does not give one legal standing as mortgagee. Hence, at best, MERS is only a nominee. It rejected MERS's claim that as nominee it can assign notes or mortgages—a nominee has limited rights and those most certainly do not include the right to transfer ownership unless there is specific written instruction to do so. In scarcely veiled anger, the Judge wrote:

"According to MERS, the principal/agent relationship among itself and its members is created by the MERS rules of membership and terms and conditions, as well as the Mortgage itself. However, none of the documents expressly creates an agency relationship or even mentions the word “agency.” MERS would have this Court cobble together the documents and draw inferences from the words contained in those documents.”

Judge Grossman rejected MERS's arguments, saying that mere membership in MERS does not provide “agency” rights to MERS, and agreeing with the Supreme Court of Kansas that ruled “The parties appear to have defined the word [nominee] in much the same way that the blind men of Indian legend described an elephant – their description depended on which part they were touching at any given time.”
He went on to disparage MERS's claim that since in legal theory the “mortgage follows the note”, the Court should overlook the fact that MERS separated them. He stopped just short of saying that by separating them, MERS has irretrievably destroyed the clear chain of title, although he hinted that a future ruling could come to that conclusion:

“MERS argues that notes and mortgages processed through the MERS System are never “separated” because beneficial ownership of the notes and mortgages are always held by the same entity. The Court will not address that issue in this Decision, but leaves open the issue as to whether mortgages processed through the MERS system are properly perfected and valid liens. See Carpenter v. Longan, 83 U.S. at 274 (finding that an assignment of the mortgage without the note is a nullity); Landmark Nat'l Bank v. Kesler,216 P.3d 158, 166-67 (Kan. 2009) (“[I]n the event that a mortgage loan somehow separates interests of the note and the deed of trust, with the deed of trust lying with some independent entity, the mortgage may become unenforceable”).”

That would mean not only the end of MERS, but also the end of the banks holding unenforceable mortgages because they were not, and cannot be, “perfected”. MERS and the banks screwed up big time, and there is no “do over”—there is no valid lien on the property, so owners have got their homes free and clear.

There have been numerous court rulings against MERS—including decisions made by state supreme courts. What is significant about the US Bankruptcy Court of New York's ruling is that the judge specifically set out to examine the legality of MERS's business model. As the judge argued in the decision, “The Court believes this analysis is necessary for the precedential effect it will have on other cases pending before this Court”. In the scathing opinion, Judge Grossman variously labeled MERS's positions as “stunningly inconsistent” with the facts, “absurd, at best”, and “not supported by the law”. The ruling is a complete repudiation of every argument MERS has made about the legality of its procedures.

What is particularly ironic is that MERS actually forced the judge to undertake the examination of its business model. The case before the judge involved a foreclosed homeowner who had already lost in state court. The homeowner then approached the US Bankruptcy Court to argue that the foreclosing bank did not have legal standing because of MERS's business practices. However, by the “Rooker-Feldman” doctrine (or res judicata), the US Bankruptcy Court is prohibited from “looking behind” the state court's decision to determine the issue of legal standing. Hence, Judge Grossman ruled in the bank's favor on that particular issue.

Yet, MERS's high priced lawyers wanted to push the issue and asked for the Judge to rule in favor of MERS's practices, too. So while MERS won the little battle over one foreclosed home, it lost the war against the nation's homeowners. The Judge ruled against MERS on every single issue of importance. And it was MERS's stupid arrogance that brought it down.

As I predicted two weeks ago, MERS would be dead within weeks. Judge Grossman has driven the final stake through its black heart. The half of America's homeowners whose mortgages are registered at MERS have been handed a “get out of jail free” card. Wall Street has no right to foreclose on their property. The tide has turned. It won't be easy, but homeowners in those states with judicial foreclosures now have Judge Grossman on their side. Those in the other states (just over half) will have a tougher time because they can lose their home before they ever get to court. But the law is still on their side—foreclosure by members of MERS is theft—so class action lawsuits may be the way to go.

MERS is dead, but can the banks survive? There are two separate issues. First, there are the “reps and warranties” given by the mortgage securitizers (Wall Street investment banks) to the investors (pension funds, GSEs, PIMCO, and so on). We now know that a quarter to a third of the mortgages bundled to serve as backing for the securities did not meet stated quality. Worse, we also know that the banks knew this—they hired third parties to undertake “due diligence” to check quality. This was not done to protect the investors, rather, the purpose was to strengthen the bargaining position of the securitizers, who were able to reduce the prices paid for the mortgages. Now, the investors are suing the banks for restitution—forcing them to cover the losses and buy-back the bad mortgages at original price. To add insult to injury, even the NYFed is suing them. That is a lot like having your parents sue you for their inadequate parental oversight of your behavior.

The second issue is that the mortgages backing the securities were supposed to be placed in Trusts (affiliates of the securitizing banks), with the Trustee certifying not only that the mortgages met the reps and warranties but also that the documents were up to snuff and safely locked away. We know they were not. As mentioned above, MERS told the servicers to hold the notes, and many or most of them were destroyed or lost. Further, the notes were separated from the mortgages—making them null and void. In any case, they are not at the Trusts. This means the MBSs are not backed by mortgages, meaning the MBSs are unsecured debt. MERS's business model ensures that. So, again, the banks must take back the fraudulent securities—paying off the investors.

What can Wall Street do? Well, I suppose the “help wanted” signs are already up at MERS and Wall Street banks: “Needed: Burger King Kids to Robo-sign forged quasi-professional-looking docs”. The problem is that even with tens of thousands of Robo-Kids, Wall Street will not be able to pull off a vast criminal conspiracy on the necessary scale. Think about it: 60 million mortgages, each sold ten times, means 600 million transactions and assignments that have to be forged. MERS's documentation was notoriously sloppy, relying on voluntary recording by members. The Robo-Kids would have to go back through a decade of records to manufacture a paper trail that would convince now-skeptical judges that there is a clear chain of title from the first recording in the public record through to the foreclosure. It ain't going to happen.

The only other hope is that Wall Street can call in its campaign contribution chips and get Congress to retroactively legalize fraud. That is what they do in those dictatorships that protestors are now bringing down in the Middle East. Is Washington willing to take that risk, just to please its Wall Street benefactors?

The court document is available at: It is terrific reading.


L. Randall Wray is a Professor of Economics, University of Missouri—Kansas City. A student of Hyman Minsky, his research focuses on monetary and fiscal policy as well as unemployment and job creation. He writes a weekly column for Benzinga every Thursday.

He also blogs at New Economic Perspectives, and is a BrainTruster at New Deal 2.0. He is a senior scholar at the Levy Economics Institute, and has been a visiting professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza), UNAM (Mexico City), University of Paris (South), and the University of Bologna (Italy).

The MBA reports that 12.85 percent of mortgage loans were either one payment delinquent or in the foreclosure process in Q4 2010 (seasonally adjusted). This is down from 13.52 percent in Q3 2010.

The following graph shows the percent of loans delinquent by days past due.

Click on graph for larger image in graph gallery.

Loans 30 days delinquent decreased to 3.25% from 3.36% in Q3. This is below the average levels of the last 2 years, but still high.

Delinquent loans in the 60 day bucket decreased to 1.34% from 1.44% in Q3; this is the lowest since Q2 2008.

The biggest decline was in the 90+ day delinquent bucket. This declined from 4.34% in Q3 3.63% in Q4. This is mostly due to modifications or putting the loans in the foreclosure process.

The percent of loans in the foreclosure process increased to 4.63% (tying the record set in Q1 2010). This is due to the foreclosure pause.

Note: the MBA's National Delinquency Survey (NDS) covered "MBA’s National Delinquency Survey covers about 43.6 million first-lien mortgages on one- to four-unit residential properties" and the "The NDS is estimated to cover around 88 percent of the outstanding first-lien mortgages in the market." This gives almost 50 million total first lien mortgages or about 6.4 million delinquent or in foreclosure.

From the MBA: Short-term Delinquencies Fall to Pre-Recession Levels, Loans in Foreclosure Tie All-Time Record

The delinquency rate for mortgage loans on one-to-four-unit residential properties decreased to a seasonally adjusted rate of 8.22 percent of all loans outstanding as of the end of the fourth quarter of 2010, a decrease of 91 basis points from the third quarter of 2010, and a decrease of 125 basis points from one year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association's (MBA) National Delinquency Survey.


The delinquency rate includes loans that are at least one payment past due but does not include loans in the process of foreclosure. The percentage of loans in the foreclosure process at the end of the fourth quarter was 4.63 percent, up 24 basis points from the third quarter of 2010 and up five basis points from one year ago.
Note: 8.22% (SA) and 4.63% equals 12.85%.

Jay Brinkmann, MBA's chief economist said ... "While delinquency and foreclosure rates are still well above historical norms, we have clearly turned the corner.


Mike Fratantoni, MBA's vice president for single family research said "While the foreclosure starts rate fell during the fourth quarter, the percentage of loans in foreclosure rose to equal the all-time high. The foreclosure inventory rate captures loans from the point of the foreclosure referral to exit from the foreclosure process, either through a cure (perhaps through a modification), a short sale or deed in lieu, or through a foreclosure sale. As we predicted last quarter, the percentage of loans in the foreclosure process increased in the fourth quarter, largely due to the foreclosure paperwork issues that were being addressed in September and October. These issues caused a temporary halt in foreclosure sales, particularly in states with judicial foreclosure regimes, such as New Jersey, Florida, and Illinois. With fewer loans exiting the foreclosure process through sales, the foreclosure inventory rate naturally increased, even as fewer foreclosure starts meant that fewer loans entered the foreclosure process in the fourth quarter."
Yesterday it was announced that an enforcement action (and probable fines) against the mortgage servicers is imminent. As part of any agreement, I expect the servicers will be moving ahead with both more modifications - and also with more foreclosure sales - so the percent of loans in the foreclosure process might have peaked (or will peak in Q1 2011).

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Making Money

Have you ever made a large cash withdrawal from a banking machine only to wonder a few days later where all the money went? Think for a moment: Where did the last $100 you spent go? Stop for a minute and write it down. Chances are you can account for most of it, but there may be five, ten, or twenty dollars missing from your list.

Why You Should Track Your Spending

What does it cost you to live each month? Some people under-estimate their expenses because they forget the things that don’t occur every month.

  • Did you include your gym costs even though you pay them once a year?

  • How about your house or car insurance?

  • Did you include the cost of your haircuts, your contact lenses, or your vacation?

  • Do you pay someone to shovel your snow, clean your windows and carpets or do your taxes?

  • What about your vet bills, the flowers for your garden or patio, your best-friend’s birthday present?

Some people under-estimate their expenses because they actually don’t know how much they’re spending on things like take-out, clothes, and coffee. Over and over when I show folks how much money they’re spending on the non-essentials of life, they’re gob-smacked. Well, the only way to make a budget that will work is to know what you have been spending so you get some sense of what you’re going to have to change.

One of the best ways to gain a perspective on your spending habits is to keep a log of everything you spend, each time you do a transaction. The idea is to figure out where you’re spending all those dimes that seem to go missing each month. It’s also about learning more about yourself and where your place your priorities. This isn’t about shame, blame, or deprivation. You don’t have to change anything you don’t want to change. But you should at least know. With a spending log, you’ll have a clear picture of what you’re getting for your money.

When you do all your money management in your head, it’s very easy to forget things — sometimes important things — that will have an impact on your overall financial life. You’re always guessing how much you have left. And you shouldn’t really be surprised when your account is overdrawn. After all, if you don’t know how much you have, how can you know how much you can spend?

If you don’t believe you can find the time to maintain your budget — collecting receipts, entering details onto your budget, adding it all up and balancing it out — think about the time you have to spend solving the problems that arise from not taking care of the details. And think about all the money you waste on overdraft fees, interest costs, and ATM transactions. You’ll have to decide whether you’d rather live life peacefully, or continue waking to the specter of financial worry rattling his chains at the foot of your bed.

Of all the interesting new tech that seems poised to garner a lot of buzz in 2011, near field communication (NFC), is probably the most exciting. If it takes off, it will transform the ways we communicate, share, and make payments with digital devices. This will likely take years to happen, but the groundwork is being laid right now. And RFinity is one of those companies at the forefront.

While Google and Apple are responsible for generating much of the buzz about NFC at the moment, the technology goes far beyond simply having the right type of chip in your mobile device. For example, how do you handle different types of data transfers being made from one device to another? And how to you ensure that they happen as quickly as possible? And most importantly, how do you ensure that they happen securely? Those are the things that RFinity is thinking about.

The company has just raised $4 million from Horizons Ventures in Hong Kong. And the space has gotten so red hot, in fact, that we hear they’re already out raising another round.

And it’s an easy bet for investors to make not only because of the space, but because of where the project originated: The U.S. Department of Energy. Specifically, RFinity was born when a bunch of infrastructure security experts working for the government were assigned to find all the vulnerabilities in cell phones. Through software they came up with, they were able to quite easily eavesdrop, manipulate SMS messages, and even compromise LAN security. Then they set out to figure out a way to stop people from doing those very things. That work led directly to RFinity.

Work originally began in the person-to-person and person-to-vendor sales space by way of mobile applications that route transactions through RFinity’s own secure servers. But now that NFC appears ready, RFinity is making sure they’re ready for it. The idea is that their technology could cut out the middle man here: themselves.

Obviously, the company isn’t going to share all the details on how they secure NFC transfers. But the basic overview is that they verify an incoming NFC signal and ask for a user’s permission before taking any action. Further, if the action is a transaction, it requires a PIN, just as you might do an ATM withdrawal. That’s all pretty standard. But the key is one-time-use transaction codes that RFinity creates on the fly along with complex cryptographic signatures. These ensure that an transaction is secure since it means that every transaction can only happen once. Even if those numbers were intercepted by a hacker, they would be useless beyond the one-time payment.

And even if your phone is lost or stolen, a thief couldn’t do anything without your PIN. And you can remotely shut down your NFC capabilities via RFinity. It’s enough to make me wish I could throw out all my credit cards right now. “Today’s identification and transaction systems are based on what? A magnetic strip on the back of a card, based on a 1950’s technology that relies on a base station to read the information embedded as a series of simple magnetic markers in plastic tape,” writes Josh Jones-Dilworth, who is working with the company to bring them to market.

Again, NFC as a technology is great and potentially game-changing. But the software is still needed to make it actually work. And some of the big guys began realizing that early on as companies like PayPal, Bank of America, and even Subway have been testing out different things with RFinity for some time. In fact, RFinity has actually been doing field tests of the software end of their technology since 2009 in places like Idaho, well before most people in the U.S. had ever thought about NFC.

But now people are starting to care. And soon, they could be caring a lot more. NFC is already built-in to Google’s new Nexus S device — and the company has put out a call for developers to start using the tech. Rumors have the next iteration of the iPhone gaining the technology as well. In other words, I suspect we may be seeing acquisition rumors starting to fly around RFinity in about six months or so. Provided their technology proves up to the NFC challenge, of course.

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Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

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Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

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Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

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Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

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Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

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Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

bench craft company scam

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

benchcraft company scam

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

bench craft company scam

Ten American Companies With The Best <b>News</b> For 2011 - 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St. chose the ten most important pieces of news for major US corporations so far this year. Our evaluation was based on the history of the company and industry involved and the likely long-term effects of the event.

Why is Fox <b>News</b> Trashing Ron Paul ? | The Big Picture

Busted: Fox News Fakes CPAC Presidential Straw Poll Bizarre deception by Fox News via boingboing, running the 2010 crowd noise booing Ron Paul's 2011 win.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money Online Easy

I have to say right up front that I’ve never really been into coupon sites, shopping sites, or any other website on the web that is set up primarily to sell something. I really only resort to shopping online during Christmas to avoid the crowds. I rarely really find any deals that I would consider “amazing” online. Sure, you can save a bit if you purchase a computer or even a car through the Internet, but usually those discounts are no different or more than you’re offered in-store.

With that said, my entire attitude toward online deals changed when someone recently pointed me toward Groupon. Groupon is a site that is really difficult to describe, because it’s different than most other sites devoted to selling you something. Groupon stands apart because it offers different things to different people, so I’ve decided to go over the 5 coolest ways that you can make use of Groupon.


Sign In & Instantly Earn Cash

The entire point of Groupon is more of a “group” deal than just a discount site. It actually reminds me a little bit of eBay because each deal is only up for a limited time. Once the set minimum number of buyers purchase the deal, everyone receives the discount.

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Once you sign up with your email, you can start adding friends. While I really hate referring my friends to any sort of sales website, Groupon really is worth it. It takes me a lot to admit that, but after watching a few of the discounts show up – I was really surprised by how steep many of them are. Most of them are 40 to 70 percent off of things like local dining, spa treatments, store discounts and a lot more.

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For every friend you refer and that signs up, you get ten bucks in Groupon coupons. Now, if you think about that, that means every ten friends you convince to sign up with you, that’s a hundred dollars just to get started buying deals on Groupon.

Save Money At Local Businesses

The part that sets Groupon above the rest in my opinion is the fact that the deals are tailored to your geographic location.  Of course, add in the excitement of a limited time offer (right down to the ticking clock) and the need to get at least the minimum number of buyers, and it can get kind of exciting.

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This means that you’re not going to see discounts to just national brands or major store chains, these are impressive deals that local businesses are offering.

Save Money On Gifts

Once you sign up and start buying “Groupons”, you can organize those in your account under “My Groupons“. You can also purchase Groupon coupons as gifts and send them to your friends. The cool thing about this is that you can purchase some pretty impressive gifts but you don’t have to spend a fortune.

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Now, if you really want to offer your friends an awesome gift, then pass on the savings to them. At the bottom of the main Groupon page, you’ll see a link for “Give the Gift of Groupon.” Click on that link, fill out the details and the amount you’d like to give and send your friends a Groupon credit.

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Why are Groupon coupons better than cash? Because it goes further. Your friend will be able to stretch that $25 gift certificate into a purchase worth $50 to $100. And don’t be fooled by my choice of currency – Groupon is available in 35 countries across the world.

Use Groupon For Your Business

I think the magic that will make Groupon even more popular moving forward is the fact that it makes everyone happy. Obviously, customers that can save over fifty percent off the cost of anything are usually pretty happy, but the business model of Groupon is pretty impressive as well. Basically, businesses don’t pay until they get paid. When you sign up to advertise, Groupon simply takes a commission of the sale and gives you the rest.

Getting featured on Groupon is as easy as clicking the “Groupon for your Business” link at the bottom of the main page.

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Fill out the form and you’re good to go.  If you don’t have anything to sell, but you wouldn’t mind making money by referring folks to Groupon, then you’ll be interested in their affiliate plan.

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You can even have the color format of the ad match the theme of your own site. This is what the ad will look like on your site.

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What makes it unique and useful to your website visitors is that the ads will automatically check for the location of your visitor, and then try to deliver deals from their local area.

Access Your Groupons On Your Mobile Device

Using Groupons becomes a lot more useful when you can use “paperless redemption” to cash in your purchased Groupon using your mobile device. All of the deals you purchased are stored on your phone where you can access them quickly without printing.

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While you’re on the go and looking for local deals, just search for nearby deals using the built-in GPS feature – it’s a cool, fast way to save money while you’re on the road.

Have you ever used Groupon? Which feature do you use the most and did you find any impressive deals through the service? Share your experience in the comments section below.

Although credit cards make it easy for us to purchase the things we want, we all know they can make our purchases harder to pay off. So why not consider developing a savings plan rather than an interest debt for your next major purchase or long-term goal? Whether you’re saving for college, retirement, a new computer, or a vacation, having a savings plan could help you achieve your goal.

There are several online calculators that work similar to using formulas in Excel spreadsheets. These calculators help you see more clearly how much money you can save over time by cutting back on spending or making better choices about the purchases you make. A savings plan means you may still buy the things you want or need, but you do so by not incurring more expenses.


Budgeting & Saving Using Mint

First off, in order to make your goal(s) attainable, you will probably need to budget your spending in order to start saving or increase your savings. One online service you might try for this entire budgeting and savings process is Mint. Back in June I reviewed how to use this free service to develop a budgeting plan. Since then, has added another feature, aptly called Goals.

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Mint makes it super easy to set up a savings plan for nearly any type of goal, including paying off a debt, buying a car, taking a trip, buying a home, or saving for retirement. If none of their template plans fit your needs, you can customize your own.

style="text-align: center;"> will keep you updated about the progress of your savings plan. Setting up a account, a budget, and a savings account require a little time, but the site features work so well together that it’s worth the effort.

Savings Calculator

Another calculator which you can use without registering an account is found on Dinkytown. This calculator includes formulations for college savings, a savings plan for buying a home, and how much you could possibly save by not smoking, drinking, or over shopping.

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It can even provide calculations for how much you might save each month by bagging your lunch instead of eating out. Want to make a cool million? It will show how to develop a savings plan for that too. When you actually see these numbers, it may very well make you realize how attainable your goals actually are. Matter of fact, the calculator will even show you how much it‘s costing you to delay any type of savings plan.

College Savings Planner

If you’re looking to start a savings plan for your children‘s college education, you might take a look at Vanguard’s College Savings Planner.

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The calculator provides a rough estimate of how much you will need to set aside based on the tuition (in-state or out-of-state) and the type of college your child might attend.

Savings With Interests

If you’re looking to start a long-term savings plan, many online bank and credit unions includes savings calculators.

style="text-align: center;"> provides a really simple savings calculator that computes anticipated future savings based on an initial deposit, monthly savings, interest rates, and number of years. The site also provides tips for saving for college and paying off student loans.

Savings Calculator For Your Website

If your savings plan involves the visitors to your website, Frograte provides a set of formula calculations, including loan, mortgage, and credit card debts.

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Posting the calculations and code on your site may be useful for an organization involved in a collective savings plan. Frograte says that their “savings calculator is based on monthly compounding, check the details of your account for the compounding period. Accounts that are compounded daily, or yearly will vary slightly from the calculated results”.

Energy Savings Calculator

Developing a savings plan is just not limited to what you can set aside from your income. You might be able to save based on upgrading your refrigerator, or getting rid of your clunker and purchasing a new car.

style="text-align: center;"> provides a calculator to help you determine how much you might save by buying an energy savings refrigerator.

New vs Used Car Calculator

Similarly, if you’re needing to purchase a car, provides a handy calculator for determining how much you might save buying a new car as opposed to a used one.

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By using one of the above or similar calculators, you can get a more factual estimate of your savings goals as opposed to just guessing off the top of your head.

Let us know of other calculators and money saving tips you know about.

Image credit:

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

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Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

bench craft company reviews

Small Business <b>News</b>: Ladies Make The <b>News</b>

David Siteman Garland inspired this roundup (Thanks, David!) with a post on 35 visionary women entrepreneurs that just happened to include the founder of Small.

What Apple&#39;s new subscription policy means for <b>news</b>: new rules <b>...</b>

That means news organizations will be incentivized to convert customers they already have relationships with — a.k.a. print subscribers — into tablet-only or tablet-also readers. If you're a newspaper and you can convince your 20-year ...

Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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Money by pulciografa

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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Money by pulciografa

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An octet of science <b>news</b>

Perfect Perfume - a video for Valentine's Day - A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto ...

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

Nokia and Microsoft form mobile partnership | <b>News</b>

Nokia and Microsoft have announced plans to form a partnership in the mobile space that the companies hope will help it c...

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Making money selling on eBay can be a great home income opportunity. Over $2000 worth of goods are sold every second on eBay! Join the hundreds of thousands of people who enjoy making money from home with eBay sales.

Follow these five top tips to successfully sell on eBay.

Choose the right items to sell

Sell something you know about or can learn about easily and quickly. It is very difficult to create a good listing or answer questions from bidders and buyers if you don't know enough about your product. Products that are hard to photograph well or to describe accurately should be avoided. If potential buyers have no visual concept of the product they will not click through. Think twice about items that are difficult to package and ship. Products that are easily damaged can often result in returns.

Find out the true value of your items on eBay

Pricing your item accurately is key to making the sale. Setting the right starting price or fixed price is not determined by what you want to get for your product but rather by the value of similar items on eBay. Before you buy anything to sell or create a listing do some homework, research what similar items have sold for recently on eBay and then work out if there is sufficient potential profit in selling the item. Consider your expenses such as the cost of the product, your eBay fees, packaging and shipping costs and PayPal fees plus the time you spend managing the selling process - the sale price should cover all these costs as well as give you a reasonable profit.

Create a great listing

Look at a couple of listings that your competitors have written for similar items. Don't copy but learn from them. What was good about the listing, what else would you like to know as a potential buyer? Use the right keywords in your item title so that your item is found by buyers. Popular keywords include the company brand name, color, size, origin and condition of the item. Accurately describe your item and thoroughly inform the buyer about your product. Include good quality photographs, preferably both a photograph of the entire item plus some close-up shots. This is important to capturing the buyer's interest.

Provide good customer service

This sets you apart from the competition. Make sure you respond to any questions from buyers promptly and thoroughly. Once you have sold your product make sure your item is packaged properly and shipped as soon as possible. Key to good customer service on eBay is accuracy, honesty and quick service.

Make use of the resources offered on eBay

There are many wonderful resources on eBay to help you with making money selling on eBay. Use the resources available for researching the price and popularity of similar items such as the "What's it Worth" facility. Get good ideas of what type of items sell well by using the "Hot List" on eBay. Connect with the eBay community to get help and advice on selling on eBay. Current sellers have loads of tips that they are willing to share. The Community button on the eBay site provides a number of options for networking with other eBay members.

Find out more about starting a successful business on eBay at eBay Home Business

Julia Derby has many years experience working in small business development. She left formal employment to be a work at home mom and has successfully started and developed a number of home businesses. Her free website My Home Business Ideas provides excellent ideas and advice about home businesses.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

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Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

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Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit. »

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

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Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.">buy

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

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Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.">buy

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

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Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit. »

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit."></a>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit."></a>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit."></a>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.

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Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: Digital <b>...</b>

Fujifilm announces commercial release of FinePix X100: CP+ 2011: Five months after first showcasing it at the 2010 Photokina trade show, Fujifilm has announced the commercial release of the X100, a large-sensor compact camera aimed at ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony widens Geohot PS3 lawsuit.